Now summarising the two states we have:
- 'God does it all'
- 'We do it all.'
Most religions consider God as consistent. We could put money on the fact that tomorrow the sun will come up. If it didn't the loss of the money would be the least of our problems. It is strange that evolutionists point to the consistency between species as a reason to say that God did not create them when a common design indicates so clearly a common designer.
Now extending this concept to the spiritual world and perhaps to heaven then we can expect that God would put systems in place. It would have laws like the laws of physics, such as gravity and the conservation of energy. The laws themselves may be radically different, perhaps even inconceivable, but the system would operate consistently. God would determine its function and that would then explain some spiritual phenomena.
This sounds like a subject out of Bible School and maybe that is where it would receive a more comprehensive treatment, but this is at the heart of our discussion. Is it possible (again) to have heaven on earth?
Well assuming that Eden was that way and assuming something happened to break the terms of Adam's exclusion from Eden, then surely, if we see the consistency of God then it is.
Way back in the Garden God makes a prophecy that bible scholars say points to the Messiah (to use the Hebrew form) or Christ (to use the Greek form). In the curse of the serpent He says that the offspring of the woman will 'crush your head and you will bruise his heel'. We could debate (and get nowhere) whether this prophecy has been fulfilled or not, but what is clear is that Jesus Christ came to be a sacrifice to pay for all penalties for sin before or after His death, including Adam's sin.
Now, whether that reinstated the Eden State, or not is another discussion for Bible School, but for them it is not an issue. Their interest is how to preach the good news of that forgiveness. In this hypothesis, the issue is, if reinstated or not, can we harness that power? If it is there, it has been there all along. Could we stumble on it in our scientific experimentations? Could we exploit it? Like energy, used by both good and evil, would that power be available to all? If we point to the constancy of God, the answer must be 'Yes'. The availability of Eden to us would depend on the answer to our previous question, but we are not going there. It is only the power, which we want.
The series "The World That He Gave" presents the story of the discovery and exploitation of this resource.