Interpretation and controversy only make the records of humankind interesting. How do they stand up in the courts? Even to make a foolproof Identity Document is a great challenge for our technology. Identity theft is a recognisable and regular crime. The Internet is challenging core principles such as intellectual property and the freedom of information. How can we prove who we are, what we communicated and originated and what we have and haven't done? Our religions tell us that Karma and the Final Judgement indicate that in the end we will have justice. Clearly, our records are useless for this. We want a judgement with a full, complete, honest and unbiased record that will reveal the thoughts, motives and attitudes of all parties involved. In short, a record we expect an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God to provide.
The novels in "The World that he Gave" series, with the licence of the writer of fiction, make the toys of this record and miracle powers available. Firstly to scientists and then to a witch doctor and hints that anyone could use them if they obey the laws of the Universe that provides them, thus hinting at a return of the human race to Eden. Humanity devolved from Eden to the lesser life we have today, but under certain conditions, the human race may return to that former glory.
The books do not explain the thinking behind the "power" that they discover. They may be science fiction, in which case they are more science than fiction, or drama and they certainly examine human emotion, but with the above background, booksellers may classify them as esoteric or even religious, but whatever their genre, it is the hope of the author, that they will be equally enjoyable, entertaining and challenging.